Stay Comfy and Stylish on Zoom

how to look stylish on zoom

You’re working from home, but those leggings and tee shirt you wore to bed won’t cut it for your Zoom meetings. You’ll look great with these style tips for Zoom and you’ll feel more confident and productive!

This study showed, by wearing smart attire, people felt more productive (52%), decisive (59%) and authoritative (78%).

How to stay comfortable while looking GREAT on Zoom/video calls!

  • Choose Solid Colors and Subtle Patterns: Opt for solid colors or subtle patterns for your clothing. Solid colors like blues, whites, and soft neutrals work well as they are easy on the eyes and convey a professional look. If you decide to wear patterns, make sure they are not too busy or distracting.
  • Focus on Your Upper Half: Since the upper half of your body is most visible during video calls, concentrate on looking polished from the waist up.

Wear a well-fitted blouse or shirt or flowy dress that complements your skin tone and adds a touch of professionalism.

Avoid overly casual tops or loud prints. If you feel most comfortable in a more casual tee, add a layered necklace (this one is our favorite layered necklace) and earrings, to dress it up. Adding a comfortable blazer to a tee shirt, or having it draped over your shoulders is an easy way to look professional while staying comfy in your home office.

Shop our favorite affordable jewelry line shown above on Amazon with an additional automatic 20% off for you.

Pay Attention to Necklines and Accessories:

  • Opt for a neckline that flatters your face and is office appropriate. Avoid low-cut tops or excessive jewelry that could be distracting. Simple and elegant accessories, like stud earrings or a delicate necklace, can add a touch of sophistication without being overpowering and distracting.

All Day Comfort with boss vibes

“Mom Bun” alternatives for dirty hair days

  • Even on the worst hair day, staying neatly groomed is essential to looking put together. A slick low bun or ponytail is a great option when you’re hair is on umm…day 4… plus a stylish headband is a great option. You’ll be looking professional and tidy and channeling your inner Blair Waldorf with these cute headbands we scoured the internet for. We’re also loving this heated round brush that works on dry, frizzy, second (or third) day hair when you need to transform dirty hair for a fresh blowout look in under 10 mins.

Shop our favorite headbands for fall 2023 | Shop the brush that will give dirty hair a fresh blowout look in minutes

Skip the leggings

We know everyone loves leggings but let’s swap them out for a more elevated pant. If you need to stand up (the doorbell rings!) but want to be comfortable, satin pants are all the rave right now. Not only are they fashionable but also incredibly comfortable! Style them with a button down, T-shirt or fitted tank. This will create a very crisp and clean look. 

Swap leggings for a comfortable, lightweight and flowy dress. Add a belt to make it look more dynamic and it will also help accentuate your waist.  Dresses don’t have to be tight or uncomfortable like this comfortable work from home dress.

Test Your Camera and Lighting

Before the call, check your camera angle, lighting, and audio to ensure you look clear and crisp. Natural or soft lighting is generally the most flattering for video calls, so position yourself facing a window if possible. Be wary of overhead lighting or lamps that can cast unflattering shadows on your face. A great, easy tool that connects to your computer can be found here.

Do you need help choosing some comfortable but elevated work from home looks, we’d be honored to help you! Start here to get a free consult call with one of our stylists!

Blair styling a client in Nashville | Allie doing a closet edit | Kassi helping clients decide what stays and what goes!

Written by Jennifer Deyo